Social Media - Developing a Corporate Strategy
Connect With Your Customers Through Social Media

Social media is a collection of online tools and websites that make it possible for people to connect online. It allows you to engage your customers and to have cyber conversations with limitless numbers of viral community groups. Unimark Creative will help you connect with your customers through implementing strong social media programs .
Sound stuffy? Here are the straight goods. Social media is an excellent way to interact directly with existing customers, prospective customers, employees, investors, community leaders and other influencers. It is a great way to build your brand and strengthen customer loyalty by offering value, experience and relationship.
For retail business, it allows you to create limitless networks and to receive instant feedback – negative and positive. Business-to-business clients can profile plants, explain processes and demonstrate products. All businesses can position themselves as the go to source for problem solving.
We've all heard bad news stories about social media gone wild. Unimark will develop a Social Media Policy, that will safely guide your company strategies.
Job hunters check out company SM sites that provide a more casual impression than the corporate website does. HR people use FaceBook and LinkedIn to research job applications or to ‘scout’ for talent.
Finally – and this is the best – when people like, retweet, recommend, and follow, that is the best form of PR a company can receive. Word-of-mouth advertising.