Seamless integration of design, engineering and fabrication.

Piper Process Systems has a proven track record manufacturing superior Vapour Recovery Units (VRUs). They are highly efficient for applications where heavy oil is recovered from the ground using steam.

Piper VRUs are ideal for SAG D OR steam assisted gravity drainage oil production plants. They deliver consistence performance and bring a significant return on investment through the recapture of hydrocarbons.

Piper Process Systems has more single or multiple process systems that use liquid ring compressors in Western Canada and the Alberta Oil Sands than any other manufacturer. Piper is the only choice for many major operators.

  • VRUs—Highly efficient for applications where heavy oil is recovered using steam
  • VRUs—Ideal for SAG D or steam assisted gravity drainage oil production plants
  • VRUs—Bring a significant return on investment through recapturing hydrocarbons


Flat Commercial Roofing

We are a global leader in the seamless integration of design, engineering and fabrication of complex high specification process modules.

  • Vapor (Vapour) Recovery Units
  • Solvent Recovery Units
  • Chemical & Water Injection
  • Horizontal & Vertical Separators
  • Pressure Vessels


Flat Commercial Roofing

Modules meet customer safety, performance, operations, maintenance and specification requirements.

  • Design and Engineering
  • Fabrication
  • Commissioning
  • Operator Training
  • Replacement Parts


Flat Commercial Roofing

Process, mechanical, structural, electrical and piping engineering provide fit-for-purpose solutions. Decision making time is reduced due to our integrated systems.

  • Process
  • Mechanical
  • Structural
  • Electrical
  • Piping